Companion animals

If there is one field in which Ceva Santé Animale has demonstrated the full extent of its innovation capacities, it is that of companion animals.

A rich source of innovation for the Ceva Group.

If there is one field in which Ceva Santé Animale has demonstrated the full extent of its innovation capacities, it is that of companion animals.


Through several major innovations, Ceva has opened up the possibility for vets to address behavioural disorders in cats and dogs, an area about which little was known until now and the subject of few clinical studies.

  • 1996: Beginning of a new therapeutic approach: launch of FELIWAY® to treat behavioural disorders in cats
  • 1997: Launch of SELGIAN® (Selegiline) to treat behavioural disorders in dogs
  • 2000: Launch of D.A.P.® (renamed as ADAPTIL®) providing an innovative approach to the behavioural problems in dogs.
  • 2008: Launch of SENILIFE® : nutritional supplement to help improve the quality of life of elderly dogs suffering from cognitive dysfunction.
  • 2015 : Launch of  FELIWAY® MultiCat to help decrease tension and conflict in multicat homes


Although it benefits from little media attention (compared with flea treatments, for example!), cardiology is a science in which progress is being achieved, extending the lifespan of dogs in parallel with that of their owners.
Why should we just accept the accelerated ageing of our trusty companions when the owner is treated for the same type of pathology?
It is this type of modern sociological approach to the issue that drove the CEVA Group pharmaceutical development teams to propose a range of medicines to treat heart problems in dogs, including PRILENAL® (enalapril) and, above all, PRILACTONE® (spironolactone), the world’s first veterinary application of a molecule already in use in human medicine.


Although it benefits from little media attention (compared with flea treatments, for example!), veterinary cardiology is a science in which progress is being achieved, extending the lifespan of dogs in parallel with that of their owners.
Why should we just accept the accelerated ageing of our trusty companions when the owner is treated for the same type of pathology?
It is this type of modern sociological approach to the issue that drove the CEVA Group pharmaceutical development teams to progressively develop the most complete and innovative range of drugs for treating heart disease in dogs, including: ACE inhibitors (PRILENAL®, NELIO® dogs), diuretics (LIBEO®), aldosterone receptor blockers (PRILACTONE®) and Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System blockers (CARDALIS®).


While the exact disease prevalence varies according to the information sources, it is today well admitted that Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) is a common concern for older cats. CKD in cats may have various possible causes (e.g. malformation of the kidney at birth, hypertension, congenital forms, chronic bacterial infection of the kidneys…) but they are all progressive and they all cause irreversible loss of kidney function.
CKD treatment involves combination of a renal diet (low phosphorus, controlled protein contents, …) and therapeutic solutions (fluid therapy for controlling dehydratation, antioxidant for reducing kidney oxidative stress ; vasodilators for lowering arterial blood pressure and limiting damages on kidneys and others organs, ACEi for blocking production of angiotensin, …) 
The Ceva pharmaceutical group has developed an ACEi (Nelio® Cats) specifically adapted to cats.


With animal welfare in mind, Ceva offers a range of medicines to relieve pain in companion animals. 

Thanks to injectable drugs developed by CEVA, the vet can treat pain caused by surgical operations in dogs and cats (VETERGESIC®, MELOXIDYL®).
Chronic pain is also a major problem: one of the leading causes of chronic pain is osteoarthritis, which affects dogs and cats from the age of 7 onward.
For these animals CEVA has developed special drugs recognized for their efficacy: anti-inflammatories (CARPRODYL®, DOLAGIS®, MELOXIDYL®) or chondroprotective agents (FLEXIVET®, AGILIUM+®).
But the main example of locomotor disability is lameness in horses.
This extreme case has only one genuine therapeutic solution, with the introduction on the European market in 2001 of TILDREN® (tiludronate), the first veterinary bisphosphonate, which has enabled lameness in horses to be treated effectively.


Antibiotic treatment is one of Ceva’s areas of expertise, with the company offering a very wide range of antibiotic molecules.

Alongside veterinarians, Ceva is committed to the reasoned use of antibiotics. All the antibiotics developed by Ceva are DELICAMENTS® designed to encourage compliance with good practices. The palatability of the tablets contributes to better compliance among dogs and, above all, cats, which are often difficult animals to treat. Likewise, the original dosages chosen by Ceva for its antibiotics, as well as the precision of quarter-scored pills, allows vets to prescribe antibiotic molecules with greater accuracy.
All the main families of molecules are available in this dosage form developed by the Ceva Group:

  • Beta-lactam antibiotics: AMOXIVAL®, KESIUM®, THERIOS® are first-line broad-spectrum antibiotics for dogs and cats
  • Lincosamides: ZODON® is a narrow-spectrum molecule that is administered only once a day.
  • Fluoroquinolones: EFEX®, XEDEN® are second-line antibiotics


Dermatology issues are very frequent: it’s the second reason dogs are taken to the veterinarian. Every pet owner is attentive to skin diseases because skin and fur are indicators of the overall health of our dogs and cats. And skin conditions (itch, skin lesions) often have a negative impact on the quality of life of the family, being harmful to the relationships with our pets.


Another innovation comes in the field of reproduction: GALASTOP®, a prolactin inhibitor used to treat lactation in pseudopregnancy (“false pregnancies”) in dogs.
Mention should also be made of DIARSANYL® (Montmorillonite), an adjunct treatment for idiopathic diarrhoea in cats and dogs.

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